Pet Portraits by Sema Martin | Realistic pet portrait drawings from photos UK

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Color Pencil Pet Portraits in California, USA

I have lived in California for three months during my internship at NASA and i loved every second of it. Such a fantastic atmosphere and the people are so nice and welcoming! I would definitely like to go back one day and live there a little longer to really explore the state. Since becoming a professional Pet Portrait Artist I have had many clients from the US in multiple states such as Florida, Alabama, Indiana, California, New Mexico, Texas and many more. This has allowed me to gain the experience for drawing a wide range of cat and dog breeds.

'Baker' Cat Portrait- California, USA

'Meeko' Dog Portrait- California, USA

This little cutie was drawn on the smallest A5 size and was a present for his owner after he had recently passed. Please see my Dog Portrait Gallery for more examples.

'Clyde, Dewie, Woo Woo and Bubbie' Cat Portrait- California, USA

These four beauties are drawn on my largest A2 size and each cat is approximately 8.3 x 11.5 inches in size so this portrait took me a while to complete! I love each of them and the owner does too.

Welcome to my blog. I’m Sema and from my little cottage in Wales I have created this series of blog posts to help other artists on their journey of becoming great! I specialise in colour pencil as a medium and have created many pet portraits for customers all over the world. You can read more about my journey by clicking the button below.

See this gallery in the original post