Pet lovers around the world who love their companions as much as we do!
Pro photographers where pets often find their way into the viewfinder.
Pet adoptions programs and shelters looking show off their fury friends in style.
Once you’ve got your perfect picture, contact me and can discuss creating a custom pet portrait commission for you!
Ready to improve the quality of your pet photography?
What you'll learn
In this mini-guide I focus on all the important parts of pet photography to help you capture the perfect pictures of your extended family. Follow the 5 easy tips on:
1. Lighting
2. Background
3. Perspective
4. Distance
5. Quantity
And a bonus tip! These 5 easy tips will help you to capture beautiful shots of your pets doing what they do best.
Let me introduce myself
My name is Sema Martin and I am a full-time award-winning professional colour pencil artist living in the French Riviera. I specialise in custom realistic pet portrait commissions, using the highest quality of colour pencils, pastels and paper available to me. I love to work closely with each and every customer, providing guidance in photo choices, mock-ups and even progress pictures so you don’t miss out on anything! It is such a magical experience commissioning art and I want the entire process to be an experience you will never forget.
To make the most of what I do I want help you take the best possible photo you can of your furbaby and maybe once you’ve taken your perfect picture why not contact me to discuss a unique and custom artwork? I would love to hear from you!
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©2020 Pet Portraits by Sema Martin